On the first day of 2019….

April Sabral

/ Mindset

What was the first thing you did today?
What was the first thing you thought about today?
What was the first feeling you experienced today?
Who was the first person you talked with today?
What was the first post you read today?
What was the first instagram post you liked today?
Which App was the first one you opened today?
Who was the first person you heard from today?
What was the first text you received today?
How did you respond?
Who will you help today?

These are all questions on the first day of a new year to help us all be mindful in 2019.

Being mindful is not just for spiritual meditation guru’s it’s for each one of us to practice in our daily routines and consciously become a more mindful leader.

My first interaction’s on 2019…went as followed.
About a month ago I posted a mattress for sale on craigslist, and last night a woman contacted me and asked if she could take it for a third of the price and if I would allow her to pick up on New Year’s Day! Sure I said…
Today she came by and told me the story of her mother. She shared her mother is moving back in with her, and it was for the stopgap between her finding long-term care, and she would be with her for about a year. She said she was not happy as they did not get along; however, she felt it’s her duty, and she has to put her feelings aside as this is her mother after all. She said sometimes in life we think it’s all about ourselves, this is teaching her it’s not.
As she was leaving, I offered her the memory foam topper that was not posted she hugged me and said you have no idea how this will help us. Happy New Year I said and hope it all works out.

Last night I received an email through LinkedIn from someone that I had hired at a previous job over eight years ago. She was asking me to review her husband’s resume and that he would love to work with us, she went on to tell me the story of how much they enjoyed our tea and that he would be so happy to chat. So when I got up this morning, I emailed them back and invited him to talk with me about what he wants to do.

There are many moments in life where we can choose to be more mindful, especially as leaders whether it be a small choice to take a moment and connect with someone. As a leader, every action or inaction we take defines how we lead ourselves and therefore our teams. I read last week on a post somewhere that in the past leadership took action, currently it takes brains, and in the future, it will take HEART.
I genuinely believe this and as an eternal optimist know that as leaders become more mindful of how we lead the world will become a little better every day!

As I shared with my fifteen-year-old son, one person’s actions can make a difference, and we should all remind ourselves of this in our daily behaviours. When I asked him, what he would do to make the planet better this year? His basketball team better? His school better? And even though he just looked at me sideways I know the seed is planted for him to think about later.

Think about what your first hour of each day will be in 2019, and take time, be mindful and let’s build better businesses, develop future leaders and lead by example.

Happy New Year and here’s to leading it mindfully!


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